Les amis de l'orgue de Saint Laurent de Cambo

Become a patron

Euskara Français

Become a patron for Cambo organ credit card for payment

The Directorate General of French Public Finance acknowledged, by letter dated 15 May 2019, the general interest nature of our association.

We have eligibility to issue tax receipts to persons who make donations to it (art. 200 and 238 bis of the General Tax Code).

Donations are eligible for an income tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount paid.

And up to a limit of 20% of taxable income.

To receive your tax receipt, please click on the contact page and leave us your full address in the message so that we can send you the receipt

The formulas

If you would like to support our project in an important way, we offer you different formulas for financing organ stops.

Organ stops
Example of organ stops

Do you wish to become a partner ?

You can financing for example the wind tunnel.

But also the organ case or the keyboards. . .

So, we suggest you send us a message with your contact details.

We will contact you to hear your wish for a great patronage.

Keyboard and register drafts
Keyboard and register drafts (allows to choose the stops)
Organ and organist
Excerpt from the book «The organ and the organist »

Here are some proposed formulas, of course you are free to propose your own personalized formula by sending us a message

For reasons completely beyond our control and that of the website, credit card payments are suspended for the time being. We therefore kindly ask you to send us your donations by cheque by regular mail to :
Association “Les Amis de l’orgue Saint-Laurent de Cambo”
Mairie de Cambo-Les-Bains Hôtel de ville
Avenue de la Mairie
64250 Cambo-les-bains


To thank you for your involvement in the project you will receive : An invitation for 2 to the opening concert An invitation for 2 to the reception that follows A CD of organ that will be recorded on the new instrument

Thomas Ospital explains why the cost of building an organ is high

David Rachet promises beautiful concerts to support the project:
With the Harmony of Cambo
With the Symphony Orchestra of the Basque Country
But also as trumpet soloist

Euskara Français