Les amis de l'orgue de Saint Laurent de Cambo

Cambo organ: a step forward!


September 29, 2022 marks a milestone in the construction of the new organ in Cambo.

It is a good step forward !


Indeed, the organ builder Kristian Weigscheider came to take the measurements in the church of Saint Laurent in Cambo.

Kristian Weigscheider the organ builder selected to build the new baroque organ in Cambo
Kristian Weigscheider
©Orgel werkstatt Weigscheider

Stay and evening in Halsou

What do music lovers do in the evening? They play music!

Kristian Weigscheider opens the evening with a work from Dresden. He performs four chorales, including one of Christ Lag in Todes Banden by Gottfried Homilius, a pupil of Bach.
We were not able to film the evening but we show you some shots of the performers in action and a video link to Gottfried Homilius’ composition. This photo of Christian Weigscheider shows him at the piano when he offered an “improvisation” sequence later in the evening. There is no shot of him playing the organ.

Kristian Weigscheider at the keyboard in Halsou during the evening after the measurements for the construction of the organ in Cambo were taken
Kristian Weigscheider at the keyboard in Halsou

Discover a working organ and play Bach…

Then it was Etienne, who had come to join the party, who discovered the working organ installed in the home of the host Haltsuar. He played Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Chorale du veilleur”.

Étienne sur l'orgue de travail installé chez l'hôte de Halsou
Étienne at the keyboard in Halsou

Here is the link to the “Choral du veilleur” performed by Pierre ASTOR

First two counterpoints played on 2 keyboards

Later in the evening, the first two counterpoints from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Art of the Fugue will be performed on two keyboards.

Laurent the host Haltsuar at the piano
Laurent on the piano
Etienne member of the Association Les amis de l'orgue saint laurent de Cambo on the organ
Étienne on the organ

Here is a very different version, but one that allows us to discover the second counterpoint of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Art of Fugue.

Then Laurent and Etienne will offer a Chopin sequence and Kristian Wegscheider an improvisation sequence.

The evening continued with a festive atmosphere mixing musical moments and exchanges in German and English. In the photo below, from left to right, we see Matthias Weisbach working with Kristian Weigscheider, the Weigscheider postman and Etienne. They are tasting a Basque wine from Irouléguy offered by François Uys who could not come, but this will only be a postponement.

Mathias Weisbach, Kristian Weigscheider the organ builder in charge of the construction of the Cambo organ and Etienne chez Laurent in Halsou
Mathias Weisbach – Kristian Weigscheider – Etienne

The evening ends on a high note

At the end of the evening, the musical performances were in a more French mode with some pieces by Claude Debussy played on the piano.
It is Etienne who starts with Arabesque n°1. Here is a link to discover this work by Debussy performed by Alain Planès:

This is followed by the First Movement of the Bergamasque Suite performed by Laurent. Here is a new link to discover this work performed by Pallavi Mahidhara:

Wink by way of goodbye

The evening ended with “En bateau”, the first movement of the small suite for piano 4 hands, as a wink to the next morning. Kristian and Mathias plan to visit Ciboure, its port and of course its organ before leaving for Germany.

The next step?

To be continued… and in the meantime, if you haven’t already done so, join the sponsorship or patronage to help us realise this project! You won’t be disappointed!


JC Webmestre & Rédacteur

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